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30. 5. 2024
Letní adrenalin s Benefit Plus: Užijte si jízdu na maximum!

Léto je za dveřmi a s ním přichází nekonečné možnosti, jak si užít teplé dny naplno. Můžete zažít vše od klidné jízdy na kole po adrenalinové zážitky na závodní dráze. A to vše můžete mít za vaše benefitní body! Pokud by vám body nestačily, jednoduše doplatíte rozdíl soukromou kartou.

Cestování a rekreace
27. 5. 2024
Dobrodružství na čtyřech kolech

Vydejte se na cestu za dobrodružstvím a ochutnejte svobodu cestování s Benefit Plus! Objevte zajímavé možnosti, jak strávit dovolenou i trochu netradičně.

Osobní rozvoj
22. 6. 2023
Věděli jste, že i tohle můžete koupit za benefity?

Benefity nejsou jen lékárny, dovolené a optika či dentální hygiena. Za svůj rozpočet si toho můžete pořídit více, než byste možná čekali. Podívejte se na zajímavé tipy, kde můžete skvěle využít své body.

Osobní rozvoj
19. 6. 2023
Shop from the comfort of your home

Are you someone who is terrified by the idea of a crowded shopping mall? We have a solution for you to spend your reward points and still enjoy the comfort of your home. There are online providers where you can place orders directly on their e-commerce website or through your cafeteria. And the package will arrive at your doorstep sooner than you can say "be-ne-fit"!

Kultura a zábava
19. 6. 2023
What benefits score points with you?

What benefits from Benefit Plus have become your favorites in recent years? Take a look at the selection of top categories with us and get inspired on how to fully enjoy your budget.

Jídlo a pití
18. 4. 2023
Spin your e-newsletters

Do you have food vouchers from your employer? Make a proper purchase at or How to do it? Enter the partner of your choice in your account search and easily follow the instructions inside to order a loaded voucher. At you can also pay with your BP card at the driver's terminal! You can also order a quick snack thanks to WOLT and stop by KFC, Pizza Hut or Starbucks for something good.

18. 4. 2023
The season of relaxation is coming

Autumn is directly asking for an immunity boost. Whether you use your benefit points to get vitamins, hit the sauna, go to the spa or relax for a long weekend, your body and mind will thank you. And where can you spin your benefit points this autumn?

Osobní rozvoj
18. 4. 2023
Back to school for benefits

Make it easier for your children to get back to school and use your budget to buy more than just textbooks. In September, you can once again make the most of after-school clubs, language courses and sporting hobbies. So how do you welcome the new school year with your benefit points?

Kultura a zábava
17. 4. 2023
Stars on stage and in the sky

Summer beckons to the theatre. The light starry evenings are perfect for summer scenes. A variety of theatrical genres will draw you out for culture. Literally! Choose according to your mood. There's plenty to choose from.

17. 4. 2023
How to rent sports equipment with subsequent purchase?

With Benefit Plus you can immerse yourself in sport to the full, not only by visiting a sports facility, using a coach or taking a sports lesson. There is a rental of sports equipment with subsequent purchase.